SEGI Future Technology Co,. Ltd.
#1306, 17th Daerungtechnotown, 25, Gasandigital 1-ro, Geumchen-gu, Seoul, Korea

TEL : +82-2-897-6788 (Rep.)
FAX : +82-2-858-6790

SEGI Future Technology
Forest Fire Prevention and Promotion System

System Features

  • Internet-based central forest fire prevention broadcasting system
    Establishment of central broadcasting system using Internet telephone network
    Providing forest fire and various publicity to nearby residents and residents through the central broadcasting center monitoring and control
  • Scheduling forest fire prevention publicity broadcasting system
    Construction of a designated time (schedule) broadcast playback system
    Providing pleasant environment and preventive effect by providing forest fire prevention broadcasting and BGM at scheduled time
  • Motion sensor based outdoor forest fire prevention publicity broadcasting system
    Real-time prevention promotion broadcasting system based on motion detection sensor
    Provides announcements suitable for the position of the mountaineer with motion detection sensoring about 5m before

Effect of Introduction

  • Establishment of central broadcasting system using Internet telephone network

  • Providing forest fire promotion and various publicity to nearby residents and residents through monitoring and control of the central broadcasting center

  • Construction of a designated time (schedule) broadcast playback system

  • Providing pleasant environment and preventive effect by providing forest fire prevention broadcasting and BGM at scheduled time

  • Real-time prevention promotion broadcasting system based on motion detection sensor

  • Provides announcements suitable for the position of the mountaineer with motion detection sensoring about 5m before

Main Function

  • Central broadcasting center → Real-time broadcasting is possible by connecting to a transmitting / receiving terminal
  • Speech conversion (TTS: Text To Speech) broadcast available
  • Broadcast by group with specific group setting
  • Real-time broadcasting success check
  • Remote check of amplifier, speaker, battery level, telephone line status, etc.
  • Broadcasting and inspection history can be checked by date and period
  • Individual broadcasting is possible by issuing ID for each center such as local government offices
  • Schedule (date, time) schedule can be set
  • Maximize the effectiveness of various promotional broadcasts during special periods
  • Schedule broadcasting success
  • Broadcast schedule can be entered for each group
  • Frequently used comments can be saved and broadcast if necessary
  • Various functions can be set when setting the schedule
  • Real-time broadcasting using motion detection
  • Scheduled announcements can be set according to schedule
  • Real-time broadcasting available at the central broadcasting center
  • Various options such as power (phase power, solar, wind), LED text output, eco-friendly design, etc.
  • Capability to manage outdoor equipment functions and status through remote inspection
  • Automatic change of broadcasting schedule according to weather changes
    → Ex) If it rains during the forest fire promotion period, stop broadcasting

SEGI Future Technology Co., Ltd.

Based on the endless efforts and challenging spirit, we are keeping pace with the global era of endless competition with a fear-free attitude.

System Configuration